Alexandria, VA ~ Stork Rental ~ The Stork Stop of Northern Virginia ~ Storks in the City!
Being in the greater DC area, we understand that space is tight and that many people don't have a large (or any) yard. Not to worry! Our storks can go into the smallest patch of grass. If you don't have that, give us a call anyway! At the Stork Stop of Northern Virginia we pride ourselves on being problem solvers. Whether it is providing you with a personalized bundle for your door, setting up an indoor stork stand, or even fitting a stork into your planter box, we will help you celebrate in style.
Check out this adorable stork sign in Old Town Alexandria! Congratulations to the happy family on baby Liam - Welcome home!

#StorkBirthAnnouncement #SiblingStar #Mom #Grandpa #StorkLawnSign #ViennaStorkSign #Grandma #ArlingtonStorks #LawnSigns #NorthernVirginiaStorkRental #BundleofJoy #YardSign #Grandchildren #BabyAnnouncement #BabyStorkRental #BabyShowerStorkSign #LawnDisplay #Alexandria #NewMom #Fairfax #SpringfieldStorkSign #FallsChurchStorkSign #BabyGirl #Arlington #StorkYardSign #TysonsCornerStorkSign #StorkSign #Annandale #Stork #Baby